Sunday, July 21, 2013

Best Summer Reads

One of my favorite hobbies is reading. I love non- fiction, historical fiction, or anything involving facts (boring I know).  I am going to share my favorite books I've read this summer and hopefully it will inspire you to read more or fuel the fire if you're already a book worm like me. Lets get started...
In no particular order....

1.  The Kite Runner: By Khaled Hosseini 
This is a story that takes place in Kabul, Afghanistan when the Russians then Taliban invade Afghanistan. This book is probably my favorite book I've ever read (so far!!) . While reading the story, you get a first hand experience of life in Kabul during the war (spoiler: it isn't all rainbows and butterflies). This book does feature some mature content so I recommend this book be read only by 14+. 

2. Killing Kennedy: By Bill O'Reilly  

 This is a factual book about the death of Kennedy. If you want a fictional story of something crazy and exciting than this book ISN'T for you. Although it is very well done! I enjoyed it thoroughly and I am a MAJOR history buff so when I saw this book it was a must have for me. 

3. The Wave: By Susan Casey

I actually had to read this book for my College English class and yes, I enjoyed it a lot. The title
 says it all , this book is about waves. It sounds boring but is so interesting. The author, Susan, travels around the world chasing and tracking monstrous waves! It is actually really entertaining and informative trust me!!

Anyways, those are my summer favorites! I hope you check them out on Amazon or maybe at your local library. 

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